Abridge restaurants
Abridge restaurants

If I am going to eat a pizza – let’s see how authentically Italian I can get… without breaking the bank completely”. This is fine, if you’re just after something really quick and familiar… but I figure – “Heck, I AM travelling.

abridge restaurants

The problem with this, however, is most of the Bangkok pizza shops are one of two major chains: Pizza Hut and The Pizza Company (with the occasional Dominos Pizza in the mix). There’s only so many stir-fries you can eat consecutively, before you just want to have a slice of pizza pie, even if you have to pay a little more to get it. Instant Thai stir fries cooked to perfection, and with a price that is unbeatably low! Though if you are here for a long duration, you start to get cravings for some of those familiar comfort foods. I know I know – why would you travel all the way to Thailand just to find yourself at a pizza shop? The true culinary masterpieces are found on every street corner at night. I reckon this is the best Bangkok Pizza shop I’ve found so far. It seems like there’s those who know about it and visit frequently, and then there’s everyone else who just passes by. However, it seldom gets found for the gastronomical delights that await inside if you give yourself enough time for a proper sit down meal. Because of the busy overpassing walkways and sky train bridges, this tightly nestled, and fairly hidden pizzeria gets a fair amount of passing foot-traffic.

abridge restaurants

It also happens to be right at one of the junctions between the underground subway (MRT) and the overground sky train (BTS) stations named “Asok”.

abridge restaurants

It’s located in a fairly busy area, just outside of one of Bangkok’s most prominent malls, Terminal 21. This is one of those places where if you aren’t paying attention, you could easily walk right past it.

Abridge restaurants